Advice for Parents

I love reading children's literature.  It's not an easy genre to write in.  As adults the author is so far removed from the experience of childhood, but every so often they get it just right - or close enough.

Below you will find a list of books that may have recently been released or been out for some time.  It's not a prescriptive list, but if you are trying to encourage your child to get stuck into a book then it may give you somewhere to start.

My nieces' parents read with them, not necessarily to them, but taking an interest in your child's choice of literature can make a real difference to their confidence and help sustain their interest.

The links below are either about reading suggestions or strategies for readers:
The Importance of Reading
Reading Suggestions for Boys and Girls

Mr Stirrup's Ten Top Reads for 11-14s
1/ The Hunger Games
2/ Warhorse
3/ The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
4/ Watership Down
5/ Tomorrow, When the War Began
6/ Z for Zachariah
7/ The Hobbit
8/ The Chronicles of Narnia
9/ Fahrenheit 451
10/ Cirque du Freak

1 comment:

  1. I would add to this list a couple excellent books from the last few years -

    Bog Child by Siobhan Dowd
    The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

    Both authors have won the prestigious Carnegie Prize for children's literature. The website is an excellent place to look for up to date, engaging reads for teenagers -
