Tuesday 17 July 2012

The Longest Whale Song: A Review by Chloe Brawn

The Longest Whale Song captures all the emotions of a family; Ella’s mum is having a baby with her stepdad when her mum has the baby everything goes wrong her mum ends up in a coma and Ella misses her dearly she is not doing well with girls in her class and she sees her real dad Ella has to do a report on whales she gets very fond of baleen whales she finds there song calming I’m not going to tell you anymore

I would recommend this book to 8+ this is a very interesting book which leads you in all different directions and shows you how to deal with something like this.

I have read many Jacqueline Wilson books and this is my favourite. Will Ella’s mum be ok? What will happen?

By Chloe Brawn

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