Tuesday 3 July 2012

The Ostrich Boys: A Review by Joseph Hussey

Ostrich Boys: Review by Joseph Hussey

I think Ostrich Boys is a great story because it is imaginative and can be read easily. In it three friends think that their best friend's funeral just didn't quite cut it. They decide that they should take there recently deceased friend, Ross, to the small Scottish hamlet of Ross. The three friends, Kenny, Blake and Sim are constantly bickering all the way to Ross.
Ross (their friend not the place) was cremated and stored in a burial urn. The three friends plan to steal the urn and catch a train to Ross...
The book opens up with three of them hiding outside their history teacher's (Mr Fowler) house, planning to graffiti their enemies door, their reasons being that Mr Fowler had made Ross' life hell for the last week. They sprayed on the door 'Haunted by Ross Fell'. Their next victim, Sean Munro, was the school bully, always picking on Ross. This time they sprayed it on his dad's brand new sports car. Overall the book is a good read and I enjoyed it although the ending brought it down a bit. Just before the boys steal the urn Ross’ dad, Mr Fell, reveals a bit of information that shocks the trio…

1 comment:

  1. This is a useful review, but at the end it starts to just tell the story. You need to say who has written it and perhaps provide some information about the author.
